Tuesday Tip Part 1 of 3 : Analyst
Did you know Bridle & Ride is a trained and schooled Sensor analyst?
Did you know we can analyse and measure your contact/connection and help you find differences left-to-right, peak pressure moments in gaits or exercises and/or restrictions in your riding?
These aspects of rider technique also feed into the contact info :
Balance and security :
Reliance on the hands for balance or instability and excess movement in the rider’s position compromises the rider’s ability to maintain a consistent contact.
Symmetry :
One-sidedness can have a big influence on the nature of the contact – do you know what an identical contact in both reins feels like? Asymmetry in body position can also have a significant impact.
Independence of the hands :
Soft, independent hands which can follow the movement of the horse’s head through the different phases of each stride will enable the maintenance of a more consistent connection between the rider’s hand and the horse’s mouth.
Refinement of the aids :
Subtle aids, to which the horse responds willingly without the need for repetition, will result in smaller variations in the contact patterns
‘Correcting’ issues :
Riders are often tempted to rely on the hand to correct way of going issues – this will result in an inconsistent contact and in some cases, may just result in trading one problem for another!
For all those wondering. NO, we won't teach you how to ride, we aren't your trainer ! We CAN help you with or without your trainer by our side to analyse your contact and communicate with you and/or your trainer where the hurddles are to work on. As we all do things we do not know we do... and the horse being master in compensation... Can hide a lot, that needs to be dealt with !
Not only is this for Olympic riders people ! But for all riders at ALL levels.
Because at every level you are riding, there are always tips to be given.
And the earlier you are aware of what you need to work on, the sooner you can solve it !
Don't think you don't have differences ... we all do... But how big is the difference? En how consistent are you?!
Mind-blowing for some... Dare to take the leap and get analysing !
You can be surprised
More info online very soon ! In September we will be introducing our packages !